Logo: Emilio's Ristorante - Santa Barbara fine dining restaurant Established 1990


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Emilio's Restaurant is located along the waterfront in beautiful Santa Barbara. Please feel free to call us directly or use the form provided to submit an inquiry. All the fields below are required to submit an email request.

Ristorante & Bar
324 West Cabrillo Blvd.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Emilio’s Sales & Events
Please use the form below for general catering inquiries,
or call direct.

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Evening Phone

Last Name

Email Address

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Emilio's Interior Photograph

Site Credits
This web site was designed by Insights Design Studio in collaboration with QUANTUM eLEMENTS Marketing which provided the original copy writing for the web site and art direction of Brooks Culinary Photography.

Emilio’s extends a special thanks to the students from Brooks Institute, who’s Culinary Photography program, under the direction of Bill Robbins, provided many of the photographs of the food and wine. Insights Design supplied additional photography of cocktails, events and nighttime interior shots.

Brooks students who captured the food photos are as follows:
Dave Dearmore & Jon Lofdahl, Elizabeth Thurston & Neil Rankins, Courtney Beckett & Iori Niibe, Tyson Stafford & Cody Updegrave, Anayensi & Cerna, Laura True & Kathleen Galen, Drew Haaseth & Erik Ryan, Justin Vigardt & Crystal Bruner, Brooks Institute.

Emilio’s is grateful for the direction, dedication and additional images provided by master photographer and Brooks instructor Bill Robbins.

© 2009 Emilio's Ristorante | Home | Restaurant | Menu | Catering | Gallery | Contact | Web site created by Insights Design Studio